AN ACTION packed weekend of racing saw Crook runners racing in Hamsterley, Wallsend, Gateshead Stadium and in the capital.  Here is a review of the weekends results.

On Saturday afternoon, a foursome of Crookites ran the Run Nation Hamsterley 10K and produced some fine performances.  Mark Nichol finished 5th overall recording a new PB of 38:08 closely followed by Jason Bridgewater in 7th position in 38:23. New 10K PB’s were also posted by Jason Marr in pos 23 in 42:42 and Dean Puckering in pos 67 in 49:03.

A handful of runners represented the club in the London Marathon on Sunday.  First home was Jason Allison in 2.53.25.  Wayne Pearson finished in a new marathon PB of 2.58.23.  Mike Simpson finished in 3.13.37, Michael Lloyd in 3.49.16 (new PB), Graham Laverick in 3.56.13 and Brian Ford who had the honour of chaperoning TV celebrity Judge Rinder finishing in 4.12.04.

A strong turnout of runners attended the Terry O’Gara 5K race in Wallsend.  Chris Auld finished in 24th pos in 16.46 followed by Rob Teasdale (49th pos) in 17.59, Peter Clough (55th pos) in 18.09 (New PB), Graham Spowart (56th pos) in 18.26, Craig Downs (pos 60th) in 18.32, Paul Brennan (64th pos) in 18.40, Darren Fairclough (146th pos) in 22.42 and Ken Cawkwell (185th pos) in 28.26.

At Gateshead Stadium, Natalie Mulholland and Jayne Henderson competed in the Outdoor Gateshead Open Athletics meeting on Sunday.  Both achieved individual PB’s with Jayne running a 100m PB in 14.1 gaining bronze followed by another PB of 29.51 in the 200m.  Natalie also achieved a PB of 13.86 in the 100m achieving a silver medal and again running 29.7 in the 200m so a great achievement all round.  Lauren Etchells earned a silver medal and a new PB of 29.7 in the 200m.

In the Saturday morning parkruns, Brian Ford finished in pos 20 in 22.46 and Graham Laverick in pos 33 in 25.24 at Beckton parkrun while at Riverside, David Best finished in 1st pos in 16.57, Eric Moore in pos 45 in 21.45 and Paul Brennan in pos 110 in 25.28.  At Durham, Chris Clynes finished in pos 173 in 26.44 followed by Paul Smith (pos 258) in 30.09, Victoria Manifold (pos 302) in 32.38, Jessica Hague (pos 303) in 32.39, Lynsey Manifold (pos 304) in 32.40, Steve Manifold (pos 305) in 32.47, Callum Giblin (pos 331) in 34.25 and Lucy Giblin (pos 353) in 37.49.  At Hackworth, Elizabeth Wood finished in 4th pos in 21.26 followed by Gemma Henderson (pos 23) in 28.21, Matthew Hargraves (pos 24) in 28.22, George Cawkwell (pos 28) in 29.15 and Allen Purdham (pos 32) in 31.41.

In the Junior parkrun at Sedgefield on Sunday, Caitlin Carr finished in 9.46 (15th pos), Ethan Welsh in 9.47 (16th pos), Jacob Pratt in 10.43 (26th pos) and Milly Pratt in 15:46 (126th pos).

This year’s Clive Golledge Relays will be held on Tuesday 19th July and for the first time, there will also be a junior event.  Please contact the club if you would like to enter teams.

Crook AC meet every Tuesday and Thursday evening at Peases West, Crook at 6.15pm.  Junior sessions are held on Thursday’s at 6.00pm.  For more information, please visit or follow us on Twittter at @crookac

Submitted by Craig Downs