Sheffield Wednesday goalkeeper Chris Kirkland was assaulted on the field during tonight's Yorkshire derby against Leeds.

The former England international, 31, had just conceded a 77th-minute equaliser to Michael Tonge when the incident happened, with a man running onto the field from the Leppings Lane End which was housing the Leeds fans, and appearing to punch Kirkland in the face.

The man then returned to the stand while trouble continued around him, with a number of other visiting supporters running on and off the field and stewards struggled to contain them.

Trouble had been brewing throughout the night, with a section of the away support throwing bottles on the field as they clashed with stewards and police, while the home fans stoked things up by singing songs that referenced the two Leeds fans who were killed in Turkey in April 2000.

The Leeds fans among the crowd of 28,582 also courted controversy by singing songs that referenced criminal charges against Wednesday manager Dave Jones which were eventually dropped, as well as seeming to salute Jimmy Savile, the former broadcaster who is now the subject of a criminal investigation for child abuse.

Leeds manager Neil Warnock called for Kirkland's assailant to be given a prison sentence as he described the events at Hillsborough tonight as an "absolute disgrace".

Warnock said: "I felt embarrassed to be a manager when I saw that.
I thought it was an absolute disgrace.

"I think they should get the guy and prosecute him and put him in prison.
He (Kirkland) went down like a ton of bricks, but that doesn't make a difference. Nobody should be on the pitch doing that.

"I hope we can make an absolute issue of it. He spoiled everything for everyone. I've not enjoyed that when I see a moron like that.

"I am not proud of being Leeds manager when I see that. I don't mind the rivalry between us - there was a great atmosphere.

"To see things like that on the field of play there is no place for it - I am absolutely embarrassed."

Warnock added: "They had a enough security. If they have got a person like him with a five-year-old mentality they can't stop that. Sheffield Wednesday can't do anything about. It just gives them more opportunity to have a go.

"Dave (Jones, Wednesday manager) was saying we shouldn't thank the crowd, but our crowd were fantastic, but we've got one moron and I can't tolerate that.

"I've not seen anything like that since my mate Paul Evans got something thrown at him at Burton Albion in an FA Cup game many, many years ago.
All of them apart from one moron were excellent tonight."