MICK WADSWORTH insists there's no room for sulkers in his Hartlepool United squad.

Team spirit and camaraderie go a long way at Victoria Park within his close-knit squad.

Pools are unbeaten this season and the majority of his 22-man squad have been used at some point, just six League One and two cup games into the season.

Stephen Wright made his debut last week after the ex-Sunderland defender signed for the club and he is likely to start this afternoon at Carlisle.

“I don't like sulkers or people who take their bat home. I don't want them to be happy at being dropped or doing cartwheels if they aren't playing,'' said Wadsworth, back today at the club he managed from 1993-96

“I expect the players to be very professional about it and get on with it and know next time if they are in the team they won't be left out again.''

Andy Monkhouse made 43 League One starts last season, but was dropped to the bench for last weekend's win over Exeter.

And Wadsworth was delighted with the response of his left-winger, who arrived in the second half to create the late second goal for Nathan Luscombe.

“Andy was on the bench last week and I think he would be the first to admit he hasn't had a good start to the season,'' said Wadsworth. “He has done his work on the training pitch and in pre-season, that's very important, and we all work as a team to make is as efficient as it should be.

“He will be back, no doubt, he is a key player.

“Last season he was dropped and we got the response. Last week he came on and we got a response, he dropped deep, defended well and set up the second goal. That's what I like.''

Wadsworth said last week that he didn't feel striker Colin Nish had an effective game against the Grecians as he was returning from a hamstring problem – but that opinion was differed by the visitors.

“Colin possibly needs a goal, but for me the interesting thing about it is that we didn't think last weekend he didn't play as well as he can do – yet both the Exeter coaches said he was a handful,'' he revealed. “It was the hardest game they have had so far, so it's interesting to see it through other people's eyes.

“Exeter's centre-halves have been dominant this year, but they weren't last weekend. He backs into them, makes it tough for the opposition and perhaps people don;'t see that.

“He can take the weight off for others which allows Sweeney to make his runs, allows Boydy to drop deep for the ball and some of his set-up play last week was very good.

“Defensively we do a lot of work on the training ground and things are coming together, I wish I could say the same about the reserve back four after they way they have started the season.''

Ahead of today's game, Wadsworth said: “It's a great challenge again. We lost twice them last season and our performance in both games was below par in a reasonably good season.

“Me being at Carlisle many years ago, I had a fantastic time there, gives me the added need and will to do well.

“We want to keep this run going, six games in we have done OK and we want to keep the momentum going and it's important for confidence both tactically and technically that what we do in training has put us on a good track in games.

“But you are only one defeat away from examining everything, so the longer we keep it going the better and it would be fantastic to have a losing run without defeat.''