STRIKERS Kris Boyd and Scott McDonald have been backed to spark a Middlesbrough renaissance.

The misfiring forwards were expected to be at the forefront of a Boro rebirth this term after a largely disappointing campaign on Teesside last season. But Gordon Strachan’s new recruits have yet to gel since the Scot paired them up front at the beginning of the season.

Three league goals in 11 Championship outings is hardly a good return for strikers with such a high pedigree, and it has led to questions being asked to whether the pair can actually compliment each other up front.

Skipper Gary O’Neil is not one of the dissenters, however, as he believes it is only a matter of time until they come good, and has tipped the duo to revitalise the club’s early season disillusionment.

“I think they can both play together,” said the Boro midfielder.

“They played well together against Portsmouth.

Scotty has been doing really well recently, certainly in the last three of four games. Obviously he has had an illness, which probably set him back a bit, and was maybe feeling it a bit against Portsmouth.”

The former Pompey schemer reckons, that while the pair have yet to hit it off, Boyd and McDonald’s different style of play should be able to compliment each others.

He said: “Scotty has been causing people lots of problems when he drops off into his little holes. He’s got good feet and he brings people into play. There was a few times on Saturday where we both linked up and had a few breaks where we could have made it 3-0.

“Boydy is only interested in being in and around the penalty box. You don’t see much of him anywhere else.

He doesn’t like to get involved in the play. He saves all his energy and all his thinking and movement when there’s going to be a chance in the box.”

Boyd’s lack of industry makes him an easy target for supporters when things are not going well for the side. But O’Neil, dismissed any suggestion the Scotland international is lazy and, made it known his colleagues are quite happy to do his running if it means playing to his strengths.

“You have to play to your strengths to get the best out of your team,” said the 27-yearold.

“In recent seasons we have had strikers that have worked really hard but don’t score enough goals. It’s nice to have a striker now, where, when it falls in the box you fancy him to score.

“He had a few against Portsmouth, one where he worked the goalkeeper well.

He’s also dragged a one wide.

Maybe he was snatching at them a little bit because he hasn’t been playing enough games. But you can clearly see he is going to get a lot of chances.”

When Middlesbrough were successful under Steve Mc- Claren, Mark Viduka and Ayegbeni Yakubu were pivotal.

O’Neil acknowledged the influence the former two Riverside favourites had during the McClaren era, and believes Boro’s latest front two could equal the affection afforded to the fans’ former favourites.

“It is early days for that and the club is in a different position to when they played for the club,” added O’Neil.

“We’re rebuilding the club and trying to get it back to where it wants to be. But I certainly think them two will help us get back there.”