WHOEVER turns up at the Riverside Stadium for Gordon Strachan's first press conference on Monday afternoon could end up having a memorable experience.

A nice put down from the unpredictable and quick-witted Scot could be on the cards. There have been a fair few who have felt the full brunt of his responses in the past.

When he was first appointed Southampton boss in 2001, his opening line caught everyone by surprise, but it has lived long in the memory.

The first reporter to open his mouth started well enough. "Welcome to Southampton Football Club, Gordon." He should have stopped there. Instead he went on: "Do you think you are the right man to turn things around?"

His response was typical of a man whose comments have been remembered for years. Strachan said: "No, I think they should have got George Graham because I'm useless."

So this afternoon, for a reaction, someone - probably either myself or my colleague Scott Wilson - should do it for devilment.

That is just one example of Strachan's approach to the media. It promises to be interesting for us all.

I won't highlight all of them, you'll see most of them in Tuesday's The Northern Echo, but here are a few more.

Once, after a victory, he was asked: "Gordon, you will be delighted with that result?" He replied: "You're spot on, you can read me like a book."

He will also find himself meeting up with an old acquaintance in the next few hours - someone who once felt the full force of his dry humour.

Middlesbrough Football Club's website journalist Gordon Cox once asked Strachan after a defeat 'where the game was won?'

To which Strachan, rather predictably, simply looked at him and said: "On that patch of grass out there."

Tomorrow morning we will be revealing exactly what Strachan said in his first press conference and we will also be keeping an eye on his quick-wit.