COUNTY Durham racing driver Amanda Whitaker has finished runner up in the 2009 HSCC Historic Formula Ford Championship, narrowly missing out on her chance to become the first female in history to win a National Formula Ford title.

Amanda finished seventh at Silverstone, and with title rival Westie Mitchell finishing fourth in his first comeback race since injuries sustained at Mallory Park, she missed out on the title by just three points.

Whitaker qualified seventh on the grid of 33 cars, with Mitchell only a couple of places ahead in fifth, although she struggled with a lack of grip and slightly incorrect gearing causing her to be off her normal pace.

However, she made a good start in the race to jump to sixth place and diced for position with Robert Wainwright and Derek Rodgers. However, Wainwright misjudged his braking for Becketts corner and made contact with the back wheel of Whitaker's car, knocking her wide and losing her position to Wainwright and Simon Toyne.

However, she quickly fought back and repassed Toyne for seventh place, although the resultant melee caused her to lose time to the pack in front.

But Whitaker got her head down and closed the gap, although ran out of time to challenge the pack.

Into the last lap, Amanda sat in seventh with Mitchell on the tail of the pack ahead in sixth.

If they finished in that order, Whitaker would have lost just one point to Mitchell and would have claimed the championship.

However, in an usual overtaking place out of the final corner on the final lap Mitchell slipped past David Wilds and Derek Rodgers to take fourth and the title.

"I'm obviously disappointed to take second, having fought for the title all year" said Whitaker. "However, Westie is a worthy champion and it's good to see him racing again after his injury. Between us, we have had a good, clean, close fought championship this year.

We have had lots to handle this year - missing a race, engine issues, braking problems, a big accident, etc. So after all the trials and tribulations this year, I'm actually relieved it's over! I guess the best man won."

Whitaker races again for the final time this year at Silverstone at the 'Walter Hayes Festival' on November 1.