MIDDLESBROUGH expect to be without Chris Riggott until the festive fixtures, but they have received promising news that he could return ahead of schedule.

Further ankle surgery last month has meant Riggott’s hopes of a long-awaited comeback had to be delayed further.

However, the centre-back has been to see a specialist recently and has been encouraged to learn that his latest operation was a success and that he now has to just focus on strengthening his ankle.

Manager Gareth Southgate, who hopes to welcome back Emanuel Pogatetz after injury within the next couple of weeks, has plenty of defensive options, but there is a lack of central defensive experience at the club.

Riggott provides that and is one of the oldest players in the squad, something Southgate feels would benefit the younger players if he can work his way back to full fitness.

That, though, remains some way off.

“Chris Riggott has started running in the water and it will be another couple of weeks before he is running again,” said Southgate. “We always felt with Chris that it could be Christmas before he returns, but he is very happy with the latest prognosis.

“The problem he was having with his ankle has gone so that has given him the confidence to go forward. He is a pretty fit lad and his general fitness levels are pretty good.

We just have to get him to that next stage and then we will take it from there.”

Riggott has not figured since suffering injury in the 1-0 defeat at Manchester City on February 2.

Meanwhile, midfielder Gary O’Neil is planning to try to qualify for next year’s Open Championship at St Andrews.

O’Neil, who plays off scratch and has held the course record at the new Rockliffe Hall course with a stunning 69, has outlined a desire to attend Regional Qualifying next summer.

“I am not expecting to make it to St Andrews, but if I do I’ll have some explaining to do to the boss,” said the 26- year-old, who will begin his quest for Open glory at the London Golf Club in Kent next year. “I’ll be fine to do first round qualifying because it is in the middle of summer, so it is a shot in the dark.”