AMANDA Whitaker showed her rivals a clean pair of heels last weekend at Cadwell Park taking two wins out of two to head the leaderboard in the HSCC Historic Formula Ford Championship.

Whitaker, from Woodham, qualified second out of the 27-strong field in her 1971 Elden Mk8, just missing pole position from Westie Mitchell by a tenth of a second.

In the first race she grabbed the lead from Mitchell after a tussle on the first lap and didn't look back, pulling out a gap of more than 11 seconds to take her first win in the category.

In the second race, she took the lead from the start line and despite close attention from Mitchell as they went past back markers, she kept her head to maintain the lead and took the win by more than six seconds.

"I'd like to thank my team," she said. "We are just a small family run team - I'm very proud!"

Whitaker races again at Silverstone in three weekss time.

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