LUTON manager Mick Harford spoke of his heartbreak after the Hatters were relegated from the Football League.

A goalless draw against Chesterfield, combined with wins for Grimsby and Chester, meant that Luton – who were deducted 30 points at the start of the season – will be playing in the Blue Square Premier in August.

Harford said: ‘‘It was never inevitable but it was always going to be very difficult in terms of where we were with the penalty points.

‘‘I’ve said to the players, 100per cent it’s not their fault. They are a fantastic bunch of lads who have put their necks on the line and their careers on the line for Luton Town Football Club and they can walk out of here with their heads held high.

‘‘It’s quite clear that the past incumbents of the club are the ones to blame. The penalty points were a massive burden and we just couldn’t overcome it.

‘‘At five minutes to five on the 13th of April, that’s the rebirth of Luton Town Football Club and there are a lot worse off than we are.

‘‘The benchmark is Doncaster Rovers. They went down but they came back and they’re now in the Championship with a new ground.

‘‘That’s what we’ll be aiming to do.’’