ORGANISERS are looking forward to a North East fight night next weekend when Streebeefz arrives in Consett.

Streetbeefz is a hybrid form of boxing in which fighters wear slim four-ounce gloves as opposed to the heavier 10 ounce in traditional professional bouts.

The promotion was set up by Ben Hatchett along with Paul Venus and Ryan Flavours and recently held a successful event in Eston.

The next event takes place in Consett next Saturday, July 6, with Redcar fighter Kory McCabe set to make his debut.

"Streetbeefz prepares boxers for eventual bare-knuckle fighting if that’s their aim," explained co-founder Hatchett, 34.

"I’m not proud of my past. I’ve had serious addiction issues and mental health problems. I spent time in a secure hospital. But boxing has purified me.

"Our boxers are physically tough but can be mentally quite fragile even vulnerable.

"The idea is that lads sort out ‘beef’ or disagreements by settling the issue in a fair fight in a controlled environment before emotions escalate thus avoiding anyone resorting to weapons.

"Some of the boxers on our previous shows at Eston Leisure Centre in Middlesbrough did have ‘beef’ but this won’t be the case at Consett. In nearly all cases a fight settles the disagreement and there’s subsequent respect and reconciliation."

McCabe is relishing his debut. The former Redcar Academy student, 23, has a diploma in plumbing, has worked as a joiner and currently works for a recycling company, but has big ambitions in the ring.

He said: "It’s my first fight wearing gloves on a show, but I’m no novice.

"I won’t be easy on the opponent.  I’ve a lot of respect for him. He has guts to fight me given my reputation and how hard I have been training with experts in Bali. I’ll make sure that the fight doesn’t go the planned three two-minute rounds distance.

"My plan is to be a world champion boxer and I want as many fights as I can get. I’ll build a name for myself by knocking out each opponent."

McCabe got into Streetbeefz through his Redcar cousin Jamie Haley, who at 28 recently made his bare-knuckle debut with a different promotion YouTube Warz. 

Haley said: "I was proud to get a first-round stoppage but I know this second bare-knuckle bout will be harder as I’m fighting Chene Ferguson for the Streetbeefz lightweight title over five two-minute rounds. 

"There’s no beef here, Chene’s like my brother and cornered me in my first contest. But I’ll be taking the belt home as champion on July 6th. Victory will help me reach my goal to become a professional bare-knuckle fighter."

Haley, a dad of three including a newborn son, said: "I want my children to be proud that I’ve achieved my ambition. There’s no family boxing history and I got involved with Streetbeefz after seeing an online video advertising the events.

"I’m just getting used to fighting on a show. I enjoyed gloved fighting on the first two Streetbeefz shows in Middlesbrough especially the second where I beat the previously undefeated Shane Wood.

"For me, bare knuckle boxing means I keep a positive mental attitude and it’s boosted my confidence and I’m grateful to my sponsor ‘Goldking’ who makes sure that I never want for anything as he pushes me to be my best every single day."

Everyone aged 16 and over is welcome at the show.

Hatchett said: "We know that the bouts will be entertaining, hopefully exhilarating and enthralling but we’re enhancing the show with a live performance by well-rapper Big Narstie, well-known for his own TV show.

"We’ve also got Joe Egan, a former sparring partner of Mike Tyson and who’s created some excitement by calling out Tyson Fury’s dad John. But they won’t be boxing on our show.

"We’re proud that everything we do is legitimate and professionally organised. Any boxing can be dangerous, so our fighters have signed a waiver acknowledging this and there’ll be a doctor and medical team present as at any professional show. Our referees won’t let fights continue if a boxer’s health is at risk. Co-owner Ryan Flavours does very careful matchmaking vetting the boxers’ suitability.’

Flavours, 28, said: "I had my first bout five years ago,. I’ve developed many friendships through boxing and am proud to have helped create Streetbeefz which is enabling massive positive change for so many who renounce street fighting, flirting with knife culture and taking drugs.

"Many of the lads are involved in charity work for Caiden’s Chance fundraising for a young boy to go to Italy for potentially life-enhancing treatment. They’re doing the climb up Snowdon by the hardest route.

"The best reward for me is hearing a fighter say, ‘I’m scared to think where I’d be without Streetbeefz'."

Organisers thanked sponsors Molecular Fitness, Robbo’s Recoveries and Top Notch Balloons.’

Companies interested in offering further sponsorship to Jamie Haley can contact him on 07874 735113 or by e-mailing

Kory McCabe can be reached on 07931 736910 or and both can be contacted via social media.

Tickets for the Consett show can be bought online.