SWEAT and smiles were on the faces of hundreds of runners crossing the finish line of an annual festival comprising five separate races.

The Redcar Running Festival, formerly known as the Redcar Half Marathon, offered competitors of all ages and abilities a chance to pull on their running shoes and raise money for charity.

Entrants included casual runners and serious athletes taking part in a range of disciplines, including a 2km fun run, wheelchair half marathon, a 5k, a half marathon and a new 10k route.

The event over the weekend is organised by Everyone Active and New Marske Harriers.

The Redcar Half Marathon portion of the day saw runners taking in the coastal views in the seaside town across a 13-mile race.

Greg Jayasuriya was the first man to cross the half marathon finish line in a time of one hour, ten minutes and 35 seconds – a new personal best for the cross country champion.

Jude Knutt was the first woman to finish the race, crossing the line after one hour, 24 minutes and 53 seconds of running.