ENGLAND skipper John Terry has been urged to be more vocal by England coach Steve McClaren but insists he will not "spout rubbish" for the sake of it.

Terry and the rest of the squad had individual conversations with McClaren on Monday after completing his first year as Sven-Goran Eriksson's successor.

McClaren spelt out where he would like Terry and the other players to improve ahead of tonight's friendly with Germany at Wembley.

Terry has taken on board McClaren's comments but wants his dressing room input to be a meaningful exercise.

The Chelsea captain said: "Steve McClaren had a five minute conversation with everyone individually. He spoke to me about how the year has gone for myself.

"He said things he would like me to improve. He wants me to be a bit more loud around the place.

"It is difficult because I said at Chelsea I can do that and with England it is important not for me just to scream and spout a load of rubbish before a game.

"What I say has got to be very important. It is not just about me talking for five or ten minutes and saying a load of rubbish. I said to Steve the things I said are to the point and very precise and I prefer it that way.

"I've got the contrast at Chelsea. Some need a kick up the backside at times and others don't. With England I don't think you need that.

"Playing for your country and pulling on the shirt is enough at times. When I'm away with England it is important I say the right things and not just talk a load of rubbish."

Terry welcomes the open relationship between McClaren, himself and the players as England start preparations in earnest for the highly important fixtures coming up against both Israel and Russia in the Euro 2008 qualifiers.

He said: "I've learnt from a lot of captains. If you can get advice from the boss and other players, then great. I am always asking what I can do to improve as captain or as a player.

"I think it is important we have got that relationship with the players and the manager when away with England. I have got the same relationship with Jose Mourinho at Chelsea.

"We speak openly whether it is good or bad for me and he will tell me."

Terry has learnt a lot from all the captains he has played under which he believes stands him in good stead for when delivering his own words of wisdom.

He said: "Dennis Wise would always talk a lot, scream and swear and get players going around him. Marcel Desailly was very quiet but when he spoke everyone listened.

"David Beckham was and is a bit like Marcel. When he speaks, everyone listens and even now when he talks around the place, and with the way he trains, everyone respects him.

"He trains 110 per cent every day and that rubs off on people around you. If you don't train to that standard, you are going to be left behind."

Terry believes England will be properly prepared for the Germany clash despite having only one full 90 minute training session ahead of the game.

He said: "Is one day enough? I think so. Today has been the only chance the boss has had for us all to train.

"We get the same when we go back to Chelsea. We have a warm-down on Thursday and then on Friday we will have a session before the game on Saturday.

"We just have to get on with it as a group of players.