JAN Butdz enjoyed a quick revenge over his former team-mates on Saturday.

But the Hartlepool United goalkeeper expects both current and past club to be challenging for promotion this season.

Butdz was given a free transfer from Doncaster at the end last season and was soon snapped up by Pools boss Danny Wilson.

Getting one over on his old club was welcomed by the giant Dane.

"When they equalised it was 'oh-no' and I was getting some stick from the Doncaster fans behind the goal, but luckily - well, not luckily, because we played really well - we won in the end,'' he said. "I think we deserved it as we pressed them well. They are a good passing team who like to get forward, but they didn't really get forward much in the first half.

"In the first-half I hardly touched the ball, but I was pleased with that - I won't complain about it!

"When that happens it means everyone in front of me is working hard and the defence are pressing the ball high up the field. It makes it more easier for me and it's nice for a goalkeeper.

"The defence in front of me work really well together - Godwin and Nelson are two very good central defenders. They are very strong and it cannot be easy playing against them.

"They were really strong against Doncaster and played well for the team.''

And he added: "I would expect Doncaster to do well this season with us. Right now we are ahead of them and hopefully we will stay that way.

"I wish them all the best and hope they do well this season. I enjoyed my time there.

"Doncaster are one of the favourites for promotion - we were better than them on the day, we defended well and played some good football.

"I think we can do well this season. We have had three tough games this week and done well against some good teams. The gaffer has put a really strong squad together and I think we will be alright this season.''