I AGREE entirely with Pete Winstanley’s criticism (HAS, Oct 12) of the use of drones by the US.

They are terror weapons, pure and simple, designed to kill and maim indiscriminately.

Indeed, the Americans seem quite unconcerned about civilians in their various theatres of operation.

In fact, their choice of civilian targets seems quite deliberate and this raises fundamental questions about the integrity of those who direct American policy.

Why? Because a basic ethical requirement of civilised nations is that, in war, you do not deliberately target civilians. Indeed, you do all you can to keep “collateral damage” – unintended civilian casualties – to an absolute minimum.

It would be reassuring to suppose that only a psychopath or barbarian would think otherwise, but quite clearly there are others who, whether through stupidity or complacency, approve attacks on innocent non-combatants.

Indeed, the world has become a much more dangerous and unstable place since the Americans launched their so-called war on terror. More unstable and more insolvent.

Could the debt crisis be connected to the astronomical costs of a war no one can win?

Tony Kelly, Crook.