I FOUND the recent comments made by D Armstrong (HAS, Aug 13) concerning David Cameron’s desire that every child should have the quality of education he received to be very interesting.

On reading it I couldn’t help but be reminded of the contempt shown towards the British public by Oliver Letwin, who disposed of Government papers in a waste bin, and the total lack of respect and manners shown by Tory chief whip Andrew Mitchell toward the police.

Then there’s the clear demonstration of cultural ignorance shown by David Cameron during his recent appearance on the David Letterman Show in America.

Prior to all of these events, there were numerous instances in which those who have enjoyed the same quality of education as Mr Cameron have been involved in the destruction and looting of property and the defacement of national statues, monuments and cenotaphs.

Mr Cameron may want every child to have the quality of education he received, but parents want a far better quality of education for their children.

CT Riley, Spennymoor