WHEN I heard the news that Jimmy Savile had been accused of interfering sexually with children I thought: “Here we go again. A celebrity is dead and people have started muck raking.”

I remember many years ago when I lived in a terraced miners house.

I will always remember a miner, who lived in the same street, always had children running in and out of his house.

They would often hang out of his windows and run up and down his stairs.

It was not long before people in the village were casting derogatory remarks at what was going on in his house.

It was always said news travelled fast in colliery villages – it did in mine.

It was not long before he was accused of sexual behaviour with the children and people turned their back on him saying he should be castrated and run out of village.

One day I said good morning to him and he looked surprised.

He told me people in the village had not spoken to him for weeks. I told him because I had known him and his wife for many years I did not believe the gossip.

I will always remember his words: “Be careful you do not get too friendly with children and pretty women.”

I have adhered to those words ever since and the only children I enjoy around my house are my grandchildren. It is a sad old world when your good reputation for so many years can be tarnished by scandal.

Jimmy Taylor, Coxhoe.