AS if to prove my letter of October 13 correct regarding his continued aggressive letters, Labour Mayor Charlie Kay ((HAS, Oct 16) carries on his public attacks on anyone wishing to add constructive points of view regarding the fate of Bishop Auckland.

Many shops are boarded up in the town centre. Marks and Spencer is to close and the town centre McDonalds has already gone.

The Market Place took more than two years to complete, at a cost of around £2.5m. It is a sad, but nevertheless true, fact that even during the recessions of the past, people still queued to get in the pubs in Bishop Auckland on a weekend – not now.

This is happening on your watch Mr Kay – don’t start lambasting the people of the town for your obvious shortcomings.

People are not against out-oftown shopping, they just wish for some semblance of balance and fairness. It is clear Mr Kay and his cohorts have been caught wanting and the evidence is fast catching them up.

John Gasston, deputy chairman, Bishop Auckland Conservatives.