THE Trades Union Congress has organised a march and demonstration in London on Saturday (Oct 29).

We keep being told by all three main parties that there is no alternative to cuts and austerity but there is.

Last year the amount not paid in tax to the Inland Revenue was a staggering £90bn.

If we increased the numbers of revenue staff instead of cutting them by 25,000 we would be able to ensure corporations and individuals paid what they owe.

Additionally, we wouldn’t need to make such deep cuts in the public sector.

The letter from Stephen Dixon (HAS, Oct 15) made clear what will happen if we continue with the failed policies of the coalition.

Soup kitchens will become as much a part of the high street as charity shops.

We need a massive demo on Saturday to show the Government that we are going to resist cuts in jobs, the NHS and welfare payments.

By joining us in London, Glasgow or Belfast you’ll be joining thousands of trade unionists and campaigners in demanding an alternative to austerity.

Michael Adams, Darlington.