MY PARENTS used to live in western Australia.

During my visits I was struck by how even the respectable newspapers openly discussed the feet of clay possessed by many famous names from Britain.

These were not sensationalist headlines to grab the attention at the news stand but articles tucked away inside the supplements that are so much a part of the weekend broadsheets.

We in this country are only privy to a fraction of the personal lives of important people far more powerful and influential than disgraced DJs.

Much of the press in this country adheres to a code of selfcensorship, regulation and responsible reporting, contrary to some of the revelations that have come out of the Leveson Inquiry.

Whatever the conclusions of Lord Leveson, his recommendations must not be allowed to shackle the press in its pursuit and legitimate questioning of alleged abusers such as Jimmy Savile.

Many will ask if he was a serial paedophile.

How was he able to get away with these assaults for so long during his lifetime – with only death unlocking the door to his supposed secret dark side?

Yet, I know from experience – during the 1960s and 1970s – when someone I knew was being abused, even when the abuser is confronted, the victim is often cowed, ridiculed and simply not believed.

Back in those days the wider society closed its eyes and ears to such things.

We must be thankful for the advent of Childline, as well as legislation that prevents those with an unhealthy interest in our children gaining access to them.

Also, on this occasion, we must applaud the part that the press is playing in exposing those with feet of clay.

Derek George Atkinson,