I WAS astonished by the result of X Factor last weekend (Echo, Oct 8).

I felt Carolynne Poole was one of the better contestants yet she was voted off the show.

It came down to a sing off between her and Rylan Clark, who has little or no chance of winning.

When it came to the judges Louis Walsh dithered and dallied saying how hard a decision it was.

After what seemed to be an eternity, he said he wanted to save Carolynne – who was the better singer – but Rylan was the more entertaining.

In which way I don’t know.

So Louis took the decision to deadlock when the rules say the winner must be decided on the basis of a public vote.

To my amazement Rylan had the most votes – a result which led to Gary Barlow storming out in disgust.

I don’t blame him.

The British public must have gone tone deaf to vote for Rylan.

It was a no-brainer.

For me, for Carolynne to go out in the first round when plenty of others with less than half the talent are still in the contest was an injustice.

I think I will watch Strictly Come Dancing next week.

Mick Peacock, Coxhoe.