THE digital TV switchover in the North-East is now complete, extending Freeview coverage to more than 200,000 extra viewers.

Every viewer in the Tyne Tees region is now digital and most found the change straightforward.

We wish to thank everyone who helped to make the transition to digital television successful.

Local retailers and installers, housing providers, and an army of relatives, friends and good neighbours have all played their part – as did local charities, led by North Tyneside voluntary organisations development agency, Tees Valley Rural Community Council, Age UK County Durham, Wansbeck Council for Voluntary Services and the North Yorkshire and York Forum.

It really was a community effort.

More than 50,000 older and disabled people in the Tyne Tees region have so far contacted the BBC-run Switchover Help Scheme to take up the practical help that’s been offered to them.

Eligible people in the North-East can still apply until October 26. For information about help scheme eligibility please phone 0800-408- 5900 or visit Readers should remember to retune their Freeview box occasionally to make sure they’re receiving the latest services.

If you need general advice about switchover you can still get in touch with Digital UK’s advice line on 08456-50-50-50 or visit

John Askew, regional manager, Digital UK.