THE real reason behind the possible cover-up by the BBC of Jimmy Savile can be stated in two words: vested interests.

Indeed, the corporation, like so many of our big business organisations, only looks to the bottom line and anything that adversely affects that financial base, is a big no-no.

Therefore not until moral values rise above corporate gain will we see a change in attitudes within executives who basically suppress the truth.

An inquiry should primarily address these grey suited bosses who basically subverted the course of justice.

They are the ones who allowed Savile to continue to prey on unsuspecting children.

How many children would have been spare terrible suffering if these executives had shown empathy to humanity and not their pockets?

They were indirectly as depraved as Savile himself and culpable in the eyes of the law and all human decency.

A big change is needed at the BBC and it has to start at the top !

Name and address supplied.