I FIND John Terry’s punishment for racially abusing defender Anton Ferdinand (Echo, Sept 28) completely inadequate.

I hardly think that a four match ban and a £220,000 fine (a pittance compared to what he earns in a year) is a fair punishment for shouting abuse on a football pitch in front of a large television audience some of whom were children.

I fully understand that people get angry and make mistakes, but one third of the world’s population are surviving on less than one euro a day. John Terry earns more than that every second.

It makes me very sad to say that Terry is setting a horrendous example to children all over the country.

Not only was Anton Ferdinand publicly humiliated but he has had to endure abuse from other obviously ignorant supporters of Terry. These people are more interested in football results than human rights.

Terry, and the system, are not only a disgrace to Chelsea FC but the country as whole.

Ella Johnson, Bishop Auckland.