IF I White’s quotes (HAS, Oct 4) from the former director of environment at Darlington are accurate then they are as confused as each other on the subject of insect stings.

Bees never sting aggressively, period.

Wasps, on the other hand, have been known to.

If anyone has suffered anaphylactic shock as a result of being stung – a possibility which I am certainly not impugning – the culprit may well have been a wasp, but certainly not a bee.

Bees are hamless, beneficial creatures that are absolutely vital to the ecosystem on which we all depend.

If allotment-holders at Hurworth want to keep bees they should be given the green light and every encouragement by the council. It will do nothing but good to the area, especially farms and gardens.

It is all too easy to spread scare stories and apportion blame without checking the facts first.

However, a little basic research restores credibility as well as wisdom and good sense.

Tony Kelly, Crook.