AT first I thought the accusations about Jimmy Savile were a load of rubbish.

Now I am beginning to doubt myself.

There will, of course, be some people who are just jumping on the money making bandwagon.

But my main concern is why has it taken so long to come out.

Thirty years ago a tap on the backside was nothing. Now it is inappropriate behaviour, or sexual harassment.

If it can be proven there was some sort of cover up at the BBC, then those involved should face criminal charges.

They are as guilty as anyone.

I read that Pete Murray, a DJ on Radio 1, now 87, had his suspicions about Savile. Then why didn’t he say something all those years ago?

That also applies to goody two shoes herself, Esther Ranzten, who founded Child- Line and should have been at the forefront of any complaint.

It does annoy me that when some celebrity dies sooner or later a dark side emerges.

John Brant, Darlington.