IT’S rather stating the obvious to say last month’s weather was exceptional.

Councillor Alan MacNab (Echo, Oct 4) insults readers’ intelligence by implying that they might not be aware of this fact.

He goes on to blame the closure of the A1 on local topographical factors, the implication being that in these circumstances the local authority could have done nothing to avert the situation.

Isn’t local topography what councils are supposed to be primarily concerned with? Isn’t it what planning is all about?

Coun MacNab says the A1 is lower than adjoining fields.

If so, isn’t that an obvious hazard calling for pre-emptive action?

Fair enough, no one could have predicted precisely what happened on September 25, but it has happened before and can be guaranteed to happen, sooner or later, again – and it’s time those concerned, who have only had 52 years to do something about it, woke up. Had they done so earlier, I am sure the worst of what happened last month could have been avoided.

Tony Kelly, Crook.