I THINK Ed Miliband gave a great performance at the Labour conference (Echo, Oct 3).

He has established his credentials as a man with a clear vision of what Labour could do in government to take this country forward.

If we become a cohesive society through fairness and common purpose it would be a great reawakening of what many people thought we were building in 1945.

My reservations are to do with the underlying assumptions that if we have someone at the helm who is decent and upstanding, it will carry us forward.

The best leader is the one who makes people feel that they have achieved great things themselves. What a good leader articulates are the aspirations of the people.

This can be done only with a membership not afraid of controversy, where there is open debate and a real sense of belonging. I feel that the Labour Party, as yet, falls short of this.

What should be opposed are the aspects of conservatism which stand in the way of progress for the least well-off in our society.

Let’s not dwell on what might be the personal shortcomings of Conservative leaders.

There is a debate to be had with all strands of society, and I would be happier if that was what is going to charactertise politics in future.

G Bulmer, Billingham