I WOULD like to stand up for the humble bee. An allotment plot holder in Hurworth recently asked the parish council whether it would support her bid to bring a hive to the allotment. After much discussion, councillors decided that they would not oppose the move (Echo, Sept 11).

Bees are no more dangerous than any other insect which bites or stings people or animals.

For some people bites and stings are potentially fatal. If so, they should not plant bee-friendly plants.

Everyone neighbouring the allotment site received a letter inviting them to Hurworth Grange to discuss any concerns.

The majority at the meeting were in support of bees on the allotment, provided steps were taken to ensure the flight paths of the bees were sufficiently raised.

The Government is actively encouraging people to keep bee hives and I am very glad our parish council issupporting this by allowing bees onto our allotments.

Finally, I believe all concerned have acted responsibly, as there are no legal requirements to notify residents or hold consultations.

Viv Whitaker, Hurworth.