MUSLIMS are proving to be hypersensitive in their reactions to a film posted on the internet which in no way represents the official view of a government.

It is obvious to me that the maker of a film depicting the Prophet Mohammed in a derogatory way intended to provoke an outburst. In that they have certainly succeeded, thanks to the tinder box tendency inside the Muslim community.

I am sure that most Muslims will react to the film as I do and say that is beneath contempt and leave it at that. The attack on the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya, can only be described as criminal and the US president is right to ask the Libyan authorities to bring those responsible to justice.

I hope that fellow citizens who are Muslims will understand that most of us are happy with your presence, but if some of your coreligionists behave in an extreme way it makes it difficult for us to combat the minority who want to go over the top against your religion.

Attempting to burn down an embassy anywhere in the world is an act which makes the promotion of peace more difficult than it needs to be.

Geoffrey Bulmer, Billingham .