ROBERT MEGGS (HAS November 8) indignantly repudiates the suggestion that he uses offensive language.

Given Mr Meggs' track record as a correspondent, however, other readers might find his indignation somewhat disingenuous.

Of course, Mr Meggs has other weapons in his anti-religious armoury other than offensive language.

One such is to quote something utterly distasteful and repugnant in a religious context.

It's essentially the same tactic as Dr Goebbels' of always including images of rats in anti-Jewish material. It's a despicable tactics but a highly effective one when used cleverly, as Dr Goebbles did and as Mr Meggs does.

The latest example is his claim the Taliban throw battery acid in little girls' faces. If such a thing actually happens it's utterly vile and abhorrent, and the implication of Mr Meggs' letter that people of faith could or should condone such behaviour is a damned insult - and as such should be excluded from responsible debate.

Such things have no place in HAS. Mr Meggs uses the debating tactics of the gutter.

Tony Kelly, Crook.