AT a full meeting of Stockton Borough Council on Wednesday, October 19, I asked council leader Bob Cook if, given a choice, the council would choose to hold a legally binding referendum with the electorate of Stockton Borough on the subject of having an elected Mayor.

Alternatively, would the council prefer to be forced into a situation of having to hold a binding referendum on having an elected Mayor by five per cent of those on the electoral register of Stockton Borough signing a petition requesting it to do so? I did not receive a definitive answer.

The council has stated it will be too expensive to hold a legally binding referendum on having an elected Mayor.

However, if a referendum was held at the same time as a national, or local authority election, there would be very little additional cost incurred.

Our nearest local authority, Middlesborough, held a referendum on having an elected Mayor in 2001 and 84 per cent voted in favour.

I want the same democratic right for the people of Stockton borough. The only alternative will be to organise a petition.

Keith Dewison,
