THE front page story about James Pattison (Echo, Sept 26), headlined “Dying – but still beating his wife”, seems cruelly unfair. The crime of domestic abuse is horrible and can not be condoned. However, James is respected by me and others not least for his service to his country in the First Gulf War.

Domestic abuse is bullying that takes place within the home; it is insidious and hidden.

Equally hurtful bullying goes on at school, at work, on the internet, everywhere that cruel individuals can inflict pain on others from relative safety.

The presentation of the story in the Echo has the hallmarks of a bully.

The story was hurtful. James’ biggest fight is against cancer and physical pain but like the rest of us he is hurt by unjust words. A court report cannot be all there is to say about a story and will always be biased.

In this instance the choice of headline and selective quotes aggravated an already unbalanced picture. It was sensationalised like a report in one of the tabloid newspapers, although your editor says he wants to distance himself from them.

The Echo would do well to be less insensitive and more responsible.

Chris Pattison, Richmond.