I THINK Jim Tague (HAS, June 10) should read my letter again.

At no time did I mention I was a Labour supporter. Quite the opposite, actually.

I sit on the fence regarding politics.

To be honest, I think Tony Blair and Gordon Brown’s policies have put this country back years.

But the rot set in during Mrs Thatcher’s time in charge between 1979 and 1997.

Stephen Hadden, Bishop Auckland.

LAST Monday was the 67th anniversary of D-Day and the Normandy landings which began the liberation of Europe.

The aim was to restore freedom to millions of people and build a better place to live.

Now fast-forward to 2011 and our great country. Remember David Cameron’s “broken Britain” saying?

Well, who broke it in the first place? It was Margaret Thatcher and her policies of privatisation.

For instance, the Royal train is operated by Deutsche Bahn – a German state owned rail company. Now there’s irony for you if ever there was. Adolf Hitler really did have the last laugh.

The brave men and women who gave their lives for this country and the veterans who survived are now being moved from care home to care home.

This country should hang its head in shame.

JRC Shields, Bomber Command Association secretary, Saltburn.