IT has been very windy and breezy in the North-East recently.

Even when the sunshine is out, there does seem to be quite a breeze.

Some people say this could be down to the ozone layer, while others believe that it’s down to the number of wind turbines we now have.

Personally, I believe that there is much more wind in the air due to the fact that a lot of us are eating spicier foods.

It might seem a little bonkers to some readers, but I honestly think that this is the correct explanation.

Watch what you eat folks, or we will be constantly chasing after umbrellas and looking for havens to shelter us from the gusts of wind for quite some time.

The answer to calmer climates lies within our digestive system, so please let’s eat plenty of fruit and try to put a stop to it.

Christopher Wardell, Darlington.