DAVE COOK claims that I am an “attention seeker” (HAS, June 9).

How ? Because like many others and himself, I write into Hear All Sides regularly?

I also see his name printed on this very page – but I usually stop reading his letters after the first paragraph as there are mostly about politics or are just continuous moans.

If it’s okay for him to write letters, then why should I not be able to write too?

I just laughed when I read his letter because all he has done is put my name in print again!

If I really was an attention seeker, I would roll tins of spaghetti down hills and post the videos on You Tube under the name of Reverend Sausage.

Chill out and open a tin of pasta and enjoy a delightful feast when you read Hear All Sides, Dave, maaan. It’s not my fault that the Tories are back in power.

Christopher Wardell, Darlington.