DELLA CANNINGS, the former head of North Yorkshire Police, says it will be difficult for her successor, Chief Constable Grahame Maxwell, to continue in his post (Echo, May 14).

Mr Maxwell admitted gross misconduct, but is attempting to put the matter behind him saying it was “business as usual”. I think Mr Maxwell should do the honourable thing and resign from North Yorkshire Police.

In November 1989, I was travelling from West Cornforth to the doctor’s surgery in Coxhoe to get a repeat prescription.

I was followed by a police car.

At the surgery I parked my car on double yellow lines with my disabled badge showing in the front window. The policeman said I was breaking the law by parking on double yellow lines and entering Cornforth Lane Road which said access only.

Sometime later I had to attend the magistrates’ court in Durham with my solicitor.

The young police officer was asked by the magistrate to read out the charges as to why I had been brought to court on a motoring charge. He started to read out the charges from his notebook when suddenly my solicitor asked the policeman to stop reading and pass the book to the usher.

The usher said the police officer’s notebook was blank.

I was awarded a substantial amount of compensation and was very grateful that I had the sense to employ a good solicitor.

Jimmy Taylor, Coxhoe.