ACCORDING to Unison, the public service union, the Government’s reckless spending cuts will mean the loss of 400,000 public service jobs (Echo, May 4).

Fewer refuse collectors to stop rubbish piling up. Fewer social workers to look after the vulnerable people in today’s society. Fewer librarians keeping libraries open.

Vital public services should not be condemned, but they are always the first ones affected when a government starts looking for areas to make spending cutbacks.

Also there are fears for the future of 9,000 post offices (Echo, May 4) because the Government plans to sell off the Royal Mail.

It seems to me that previous governments have kept interfering with the country’s education system – which I think is still in a right mess.

Messing about with the police forces, fire and ambulance services and the running of our hospitals. Where has it got us?

Nowhere I am afraid. Just absolute confusion and chaos.

One wonders where everything is going to end.

Roland Bramham, Richmond.