I WRITE in reply to councillor Charles Johnson’s letter about the NHS (HAS, May 2).

It should be of concern to all of us, including Jenny Chapman, Darlington’s MP, if a high percentage of staff working for our local NHS Foundation Trust express themselves as being unhappy with the standard of care provided.

We all rely on and support Darlington Memorial Hospital.

However, questions do need to be asked as to why the staff are not happy with the standards of care, and action needs to be taken to make immediate improvements.

At least part of the answer lies in the extensive re-organisation being foisted on the NHS at the same time as it is expected to make £20bn in efficiency savings.

All from a Conservative-led government which promised to protect the NHS and not order any more top-down reorganisations.

No wonder staff morale is at an all time low and they took the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with these reforms through their comments in the recent NHS survey.

This reorganisation is too far, too fast. In addition, it is not fair to both staff and patients. No wonder Mr. Cameron is pausing for a rethink.

Councillor Veronica Copeland, Darlington.