CONGRATULATIONS to The Northern Echo for giving prominence to Doug Porthouse’s appreciation of the Michel Roux’s Service programme running on BBC (HAS, Feb 1).

Like Mr Porthouse, I have watched the series, and been impressed by the chef’s ability, with quiet charm and tolerance, to develop skills with his group of young people.

He has not only given them the opportunity to perform tasks, previously completely beyond their experience, but has also helped them to develop as people. He has not refrained from criticism, but that criticism has been flavoured with a balance of praise – a sure way of inspiring youngsters.

Sadly, all cannot gain the ultimate prize, but I’m sure they will all leave with experiences and confidence that will help to mould their futures, knowing what is possible, whatever one’s background.

In the present climate, when so many young people need inspiration and aspiration, how splendid it would be if others with the financial wherewithal and the vision of Michel Roux could follow his example.

Miss E Lilley, Billingham.