GOOD people of County Durham rejoice!

At long last the Westminster politicians have recognised you.

You are no longer regarded as idiots, but as useful idiots.

When the Government has an idea to inflict on us all it is tried out in a “muggins test zone” full of useful idiots. And that’s where we live.

Big councils good, small councils bad. Just look at the cost savings a big council will make. No, I didn’t believe it either.

But if it works, why not roll it out across the land? If not, forget it and move on –- but the idiots are left behind to pick up the pieces.

There’s no need to apologise or spend any cash rectifying things because the idiots are used to being treated like that, and you can safely ignore any complaints.

I read that 90 Durham GP practices are taking part in the NHS financial revolution (Echo, Jan 20). If this one goes pearshaped just remember where you live.

Bob Sewell, Wolsingham.