A RECENT East Coast online offer of £8 single train fare to various destinations (including Durham and Newcastle) seemed tempting, but I was put off by the company’s absurd and inflexible policy towards shortening journeys.

I would have liked to have had a day trip to Durham to do some walking in the area, but if the weather was unsuitable or the train was late I would have preferred to get off at Newcastle and spend the day visiting the city’s museums and art galleries.

This shorter option would have used the same trains and cost the rail company no more money, but the ticket would have been invalid so I wouldn’t have been able to pass through the station’s ticket barriers.

So instead of taking up the offer, I’ve saved money and the company has lost out.

On this occasion, East Coast needed to be more flexible with its policy towards shortening journeys to encourage me to travel.

R Atkinson, Edinburgh.