ACCORDING to recent research, annual pay rises in the public sector average 0.7 per cent and in the private sector 2.2 per cent.

Inflation is currently running at at least 4.7 per cent.

Meanwhile the feckless, super-rich who caused the recession are living the life of Riley.

Bank profits in 2011 are predicted at £52bn, or £1bn a week.

Christmas bank bonuses totalled £7bn. More than 200 bankers had their wallets stuffed with £1m or more. We are witnessing a form of state sponsored looting of our assets (several of these banks are largely Government-owned) by the rich and greedy.

Chancellor George Osborne says “we are all in this together”.

But frankly, the ruling class are just laughing in our faces.

It is high time working people fought back.

John Gilmore, Bishop Auckland.