LAST Sunday we joined many people gathered at Herrington Park, Sunderland, for the annual Race for Grace. It is a sponsored run to raise money for the Grace House Hospice to be built in Sunderland for terminally-ill children and their families.

It was wonderful to see the great enthusiasm of all who took part – from very small children to elderly people and those in wheelchairs – in atrocious weather.

They ran in pouring rain from start to finish. Everyone received a medal presented by founder and local broadcaster Kathy Secker, and then they were rewarded by the very kind supporters with pizza, hot drinks and a bag of goodies which were much appreciated.

Next year, try to be there to take in the wonderful atmosphere and help this most worthy cause.

It is great to know so many people are willing to help those children who are less fortunate than themselves.

A Miller, Chester-le-Street, Co Durham.