AFTER its dismal performance in both local and national elections, the BNP seems to be falling apart.

Leader Nick Griffin has been sacking, suspending or expelling any BNP member he sees as a threat to his position as party leader. He has, for example, expelled Richard Barnbrook, the BNP’s only London Assembly member, and sacked Ken Booth from his position as North-East regional organiser. But the anti-Griffin faction just keeps growing.

The BNP is now desperately seeking support by exploiting widespread disillusionment with the intractable conflict in Afghanistan, and gathering signatures for its “bring our boys home” petition.

According to Mr Griffin, who was in our region recently (Echo, Oct 4), signatories included a Liberal Democrat councillor who is said to have explained: “I don’t agree with you on a lot of policies, but I agree with you on this.”

If this is true, it was a foolish thing to do. The BNP is a neo-Nazi organisation dedicated to disrupting good race relations and provoking hostility towards ethnic and religious minorities.

Supporting the BNP because you happen to like one aspect of its policy is like supporting Hitler because he, allegedly, created Germany’s efficient autobahn road system.

Pete Winstanley, Durham.