IT would seem the demise of the Labour Party has affected the ideology of some of its supporters.

At the party’s conference, they applauded Labour’s class war and calls for those who can afford it to contribute more to do so. Now, Conservative proposals to withdraw certain benefits for those paying the higher rate of tax are considered “an attack on single mothers”.

It always amuses me when those on the left contradict or violate their own ideals.

In their desperation to create a focal point for hatred, whatever is proposed by Prime Minister David Cameron will always be “an imperial conspiracy of wealth, power or status”.

They don’t want a debate because their minds are firmly made up and they have nothing of substance to offer to any debate apart from “at least Labour aren’t the Tories”.

So what has Labour done for the working man? Encouraged excessive union power that destroyed industry, destroying every economy they ever got their hands on and state-sponsored squalor – that’s what.

I do not want a political party that represents the interests of any one particular class, creed or colour. I want a government that represents the majority – one that represents Britain.

Des More, Darlington.