DAVID Cameron’s perception of a caring Big Society is a dream world. Sadly, we are living in an ever-increasing selfish (“me”) society where people are making decisions about who to vote for at a General Election based on how much better off they believe they will be (not society).

Many years after the inception of the welfare state we still have universal benefits, which some believe they should continue to receive regardless of how high their income.

Mr Cameron concedes and recognises that there is little difference in income between some jobs and living on benefit. As unemployment and other welfare benefits are calculated on the basis of what the minimum amount of money someone should have to live on, the solution should be obvious, which is to greatly increase the minimum wage.

However, with the Conservatives having a record of opposing the introduction of the minimum wage, this is unlikely. I recommend that if the Government wants to reduce the welfare bill it should stop the universal benefits which are paid to people who do not need financial help from the state.

Keith Dewison, Billingham.