A FALSE dichotomy has been created about the Miliband brothers. My youngest son is in the Labour Party and in the leadership ballot he gave David Miliband as his first preference and Ed Miliband as his second.

Though he is in an affiliated organisation he only used his vote in the constituency section.

My son’s second preference would not have come in to play as David Miliband was not eliminated in the votes prior to the final one. My son is now prepared to support the man elected as leader in accordance with the rules.

With respect to the editorial staff of The Northern Echo I believe that you have made a melodrama out of the election, though I can see that a contest between two brothers is a good human interest story.

Incidentally, my son is quite left-wing in his political outlook and I think that his attraction to David was because how he presented his arguments.

Geoffrey Bulmer, Billingham.