WHAT a sad start to a day it was to wake up on Tuesday and hear that Sir Norman Wisdom has passed away.

The actor and comedian was a British institution and an amusing character who graced our TV screens for decades. He always seemed to be a polite fellow and always had time for his fans, which can be a rare commodity in the fame business.

Idolised in the UK and Albania, Sir Norman always brought a smile to faces whenever he appeared on television and his films are still laughed at and cherished today.

RIP Sir Norman – and please do not torment Mr Grimsdale too much up in the Legend Section of Heaven. You will be sadly missed by the industry you worked in and the fans who you gave much happiness to.

Christopher Wardell, Darlington.

THERE are many talented performers, but some stand out for special attention. Norman Wisdom was one of those characters whose performances had an extra ingredient, his death marking the end of an era of comedy actors.

There was uniqueness about him – that boyish look and sense of inadequacy and that ability to make you laugh without even opening his mouth. But there was nothing inferior about the man who gave a lot of entertainment to us all and who also showed generosity in his charity work. No doubt there will be a season of his films and perhaps TV performances and justifiably so. He will be remembered as one of the all-time greats of British comedy.

Bernie Walsh, Coxhoe, Durham.

NORMAN wisdom once sang “Don’t Laugh at Me (Cause I’m a Fool)”. That he certainly was not. He had the gift of making people laugh. He joins a long list of recently-departed entertainers who made our lives fun. In today’s society, we will never be able to replace a man who really did earn the title of “Sir”.

JM Gowland, Heighington, near Darlington