I WONDER if your readers can help with the research for a television comedy drama I have been commissioned to write about pub quizzes.

From experience I know that competing in these matches has now gone far beyond a little fun.

Winning – even for a modest prize – has become an obsession with many teams which compete almost daily on the pub quiz circuit.

I know of one team of unemployed individuals who tour the North-East seven days a week pooling their winnings for a monthly payout.

Like all “sports”, the passion, reputation and stakes have now got so high that cheating is common.

“Mobile phones have changed everything”, one publican and quizmaster told me recently.

“The winners are whichever team can text their friends fastest for the answer.”

I want to make my script as accurate – and funny – as possible and would like to hear from anyone – competitors, quiz organisers and landlords – who think that they can shed a little more light on the pub quiz scene.

All replies will, of course, be treated in the strictest confidence.

Anyone who feels that they can help can contact me by email at cliff.goodwin@btinternet.com or write to me at the address below.

Cliff Goodwin, c/o Clovelly, Station Road, Rowlands Gill, Tyne and Wear, NE39 1PZ.