I’D like to ask readers of The Northern Echo for help.

I first learnt about Parkinson’s disease as a child, from my doctor father, but it wasn’t until my much-loved brother-in-law was diagnosed about seven years ago that I saw for myself the shocking and cruel symptoms of the condition and experienced the enormous impact it can have on those affected and their families.

At last Wednesday’s World Parkinson Congress in Glasgow, we launched the global Parkinson’s Pledge. We want to gather a million signatures to help build a worldwide Parkinson’s movement, to make Parkinson’s a health, social and economic priority and to work together to find a cure.

Graham Norton, Gary Lineker, Alan Carr, Twiggy and I are calling on people from all walks of life all over the world to sign this pledge and show their support.

Other well-known people joining us include rugby star Gavin Hastings, Fern Britten, GMTV’s John Stapleton, actor Matt Lucas and TV agony aunt Denise Robertson.

There are about 7.4 million people in the world with Parkinson’s and there is currently no cure. I urge readers to visit parkinson’s.org.uk/pledge to find out more and to join me in signing the pledge.

Jane Asher, President, Parkinson’s UK, London.